is the payload of the block header.

Fields & Description
Name | Type | Description |
version | Uint32 | Version of the block, used to address potential compatibility issues that might arise after a fork |
compact_target | Uint32 | PoW difficulty represented in compact target format |
timestamp | Uint64 | A Unix time timestamp in milliseconds |
number | Uint64 | Indicates block height |
epoch | Uint64 | Information of the current epoch. Assuming number represents the current epoch number, index represents the index of the block in the current epoch (starting at 0), and length represents the length of the current epoch, the value must be (number & 0xFFFFFF) | ((index & 0xFFFF) << 24) | ((length & 0xFFFF) << 40) |
parent_hash | H256 (hash) | Hash of the parent block |
transactions_root | H256 (hash) | A hash obtained by concatenating the CBMT (Complete Binary Merkle Tree) root of the transaction hashes and the CBMT root of the transaction witness hashes |
proposals_hash | H256 (hash) | Hash of the concatenated proposal IDs. Defaults to all zeros if no proposals exist. |
uncles_hash | H256 (hash) | Hash of the concatenated hashes of uncle block headers. Defaults to all zeros if no proposals exist. |
dao | Bytes | Contains DAO-related data. Refer to RFC0023: Deposit and Withdraw in Nervos DAO for details. |
nonce | Uint128 | The solution of the PoW puzzle. Similar to Bitcoin nonce. |
Refer to the RawHeader in RFC-0027 for an in-depth explanation.