In addition to the rules defined by the CKB protocol, verification based on the Scripts in the input and output Cells of the transaction is also required.
Script: {
code_hash: HexString
args: HexString
hash_type: Uint8, there are 4 allowed values: {0: "data", 1: "type", 2: "data1", 4: "data2"}
Fields & Description
Name | Type | Description |
code_hash | H256 | Hash of the ELF formatted RISC-V binary that contains a CKB Script. For more, see code_hash |
hash_type | Uint8, one of the 4 values: {0: "data", 1: "type", 2: "data1", 3: "data2"} | Interpretation of the code hash when looking for matching dep cells. For more, see hash_type |
args | H256 | Arguments as the Script input. For more, see script_args |
Script vs. Code
We differentiate the terms Script and Code as follows:
- Script is a data structure referencing to runnable on-chain code.
- Code refers to the RISC-V binary, runnable in CKB-VM and can be referenced to by the Script structure.
- A code Cell is a Cell containing RISC-V binary code.
- Script does not directly include code; it simply stores a pointer to reference the code.